62岁的逃犯Alan Murphy计划袭击汇丰银行银行,因持有爆炸物、火器和刀子被判处15年徒刑。 62-year-old escaped convict Alan Murphy, planning an HSBC bank attack, is sentenced to 15 years for possession of explosives, firearms, and a knife.
62 岁的越狱罪犯艾伦·墨菲 (Alan Murphy) 在观看了一部 Netflix 纪录片后,计划袭击英格兰布莱克浦的一家汇丰银行,该纪录片讲述了该银行涉嫌参与为贩毒集团和恐怖组织洗钱。 62-year-old Alan Murphy, an escaped convict, planned to attack an HSBC bank in Blackpool, England, after watching a Netflix documentary about the bank's alleged involvement in laundering money for drug cartels and terrorist groups. 警方发现Murphy, 一名被定罪的持械抢劫犯, 住在一辆大篷车里, 发现一枚钉子炸弹、两枚仿造枪和一把刀。 Police discovered Murphy, a convicted armed robber, living in a caravan, and found a nail bomb, two imitation firearms, and a knife. 他因拥有爆炸物、火器和一把刀而被判处15年监禁。 He was sentenced to 15 years in prison for possession of explosives, firearms, and a knife.