沃尔沃集团选择在墨西哥蒙特雷建造一个700万美元的重型卡车制造厂,该厂定于2026年开业。 Volvo Group chooses Monterrey, Mexico for a $700M heavy-duty truck manufacturing plant, set to open in 2026.
沃尔沃集团选择墨西哥蒙特雷为新的重型卡车制造厂,支持美国、加拿大和拉丁美洲的沃尔沃卡车和麦克卡车增长计划。 Volvo Group selects Monterrey, Mexico for new heavy-duty truck manufacturing plant, supporting growth plans for Volvo Trucks and Mack Trucks in US, Canada, and Latin America. 预计2026年投入运行的700M厂侧重于为沃尔沃和麦克品牌生产重型常规车辆。 The $700M plant, expected operational in 2026, focuses on producing heavy-duty conventional vehicles for Volvo and Mack brands. 这一扩大是在北卡罗来纳州商业车辆集团生产厂购置之后进行的。 This expansion follows the acquisition of Commercial Vehicle Group's production plant in North Carolina.