NBA明星Steph Curry在国民议会认可了VP Kamala Harris,赞扬她团结和进步。 NBA star Steph Curry endorsed VP Kamala Harris at the DNC, praising her for unity and progress.
NBA 球星斯蒂芬·库里 (Steph Curry) 在民主党全国代表大会 (DNC) 上支持副总统卡玛拉·哈里斯 (Kamala Harris),赞扬她具有团结美国和推动国家前进的潜力。 NBA star Steph Curry endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris at the Democratic National Convention (DNC), praising her for her potential to unite America and move the country forward. Curry在视频讯息中强调支持, 也呼吁民众在即将到来的选举中投票, Curry emphasized his support in a video message, and also called for people to vote in the upcoming election. 这是在Curry最近成功地领导美国队 在巴黎奥运会上获得金牌之后 得到的认可。 This endorsement comes after Curry's recent success of leading Team USA to a gold medal in the Paris Olympics.