由于医院需求旺盛,Fisher & Paykel Healthcare将盈利指导提高至NZ$320m-NZ$370m。 Fisher & Paykel Healthcare raises earnings guidance to NZ$320m-NZ$370m due to high hospital demand.
由于医院需求高,新西兰呼吸器械公司Fisher & Paykel Healthcare提高了收益预期. Fisher & Paykel Healthcare, a NZ-based respiratory devices firm, raises earnings guidance due to high demand from hospitals. 该公司现在预计,到2025年3月终了的财政年度,其净利润在320 000万新西兰元至37 000万新西兰元之间,从31 000万新西兰元增加到3 600万新西兰元。 The company now anticipates its net profit to be between NZ$320m and NZ$370m for the financial year ending Mar 2025, up from NZ$310m to NZ$360m earlier. 1.9bn-N2bn新西兰元的收入保持不变。 Revenue remains unchanged at NZ$1.9bn-NZ$2bn. 增长的原因是需求强劲、临床护理得到改善、家庭护理业务中新的OSA面具。 The growth is attributed to strong demand, improved clinical care, and new OSA masks in the homecare business.