首席顾问尤努斯呼吁支持孟加拉国洪水灾民,建议与印度建立高级别机制,并计划访问和援助。 Chief Adviser Yunus calls for support to flood-hit Bangladesh population, suggests a high-level mechanism with India, and plans visits & assistance.
首席顾问Muhammad Yunus教授敦促所有顾问支持孟加拉国洪水灾民,因为10个县的洪水状况恶化,影响到360多万人。 Chief Adviser Professor Muhammad Yunus urges all advisers to support the flood-hit population in Bangladesh, as the flood situation worsens across 10 districts, affecting over 3.6 million people. Yunus建议孟加拉国和印度建立高级别机制,处理洪水等紧急情况,重点是交流与水有关的信息。 Yunus suggests a high-level mechanism between Bangladesh and India to address emergency situations like floods, focusing on the exchange of water-related information. 顾问还计划访问受水灾影响地区,提供援助,为水灾受害者奠定基础,并设立一个委员会调查强迫失踪事件。 Advisers also plan to visit flood-affected areas, provide assistance, form a foundation for flood victims, and create a committee to investigate enforced disappearances.