700+ 英国人在美国支持自杀的论坛上寻找自杀伴侣;针对该平台的法律行动很困难。 700+ Brits sought suicide partners on a US-based pro-suicide forum; legal action against the platform is difficult.
700+ 英国人在美国支持自杀的论坛上寻找自杀伴侣,其中一些人前往海外,还有两起案件涉及美国男性协助英国女性的自杀计划。 700+ Brits have sought suicide partners on a US-based pro-suicide forum, with some traveling overseas and two cases involving US men assisting UK women in their suicide plans. 联合王国政府对《在线安全法》的承诺提供了有限的监管,因为很难对以美国为基地的平台采取法律行动。 UK government's commitment to the Online Safety Act offers limited regulation, as legal action against the US-based platform is difficult. 一名捕食者Craig McInally因以弱势妇女为目标而被判处监禁和终身监管。 One predator, Craig McInally, was sentenced to prison and lifelong supervision for targeting a vulnerable woman.