29岁的Demarcus Napier承认杀害了他的女朋友Brook Killers。 29-year-old Demarcus Napier confessed to murdering his girlfriend, Brooke Killings.
29岁的德马库斯·纳皮尔(Demarcus Napier)承认谋杀了33岁的女友布鲁克·基林斯(Brooke Killings),最后一次露面是在8月17日的钻石台球比赛中。 29-year-old Demarcus Napier confessed to murdering his girlfriend, Brooke Killings, 33, last seen at Diamond Billiards on Aug 17. Chattanooga警察局在Crestway Drive的共用住所发现血迹,并指控Napier犯有杀人罪。 The Chattanooga Police Department found blood evidence at their shared residence on Crestway Drive and charged Napier with criminal homicide. 杀人遗体在8月21日在卡托萨县75号州际公路附近被发现. Killings' remains were discovered near Interstate 75 in Catoosa County on Aug 21.