19岁的Christian Randels,涉嫌在兰开斯特县Waverly盗窃140k卡车和其他罪行,被捕;涉嫌共犯。 19-year-old Christian Randels, suspected in $140k truck theft and other crimes in Waverly, Lancaster County, arrested; accomplice suspected.
19岁的Firth的Christian Randels在兰开斯特州Waverly因一系列罪行被捕,包括车辆盗窃、自动取款机破坏、盗用处方药和现金。 19-year-old Christian Randels of Firth was arrested for a series of crimes in Waverly, Lancaster County, including vehicle thefts, an ATM vandalism, and theft of prescription drugs and cash. 嫌疑人与140 000美元的卡车盗窃有关,因涉嫌入室盗窃和盗窃而被拘留。 The suspect is linked to a $140,000 truck theft and is held for suspicion of burglary and theft. 兰开斯特郡治安官办公室 认为有共犯参与其中 调查正在进行中 The Lancaster County Sheriff's Office believes there's an accomplice involved, and the investigation is ongoing.