蒂努布总统对退休的最高法院法官、国际刑警理事会前主席埃马纽埃尔·奥莱因卡·阿尤拉的去世向阿尤拉家族表示哀悼。 President Tinubu condoled the Ayoola family on the passing of retired Supreme Court Justice and former ICPC Chairman, Emmanuel Olayinka Ayoola.
博拉·蒂努布总统对退休的最高法院大法官和前ICPC主席Emmanuel Olayinka Ayoola的逝世向Ayoola家族表示哀悼,他曾担任ICPC的第二任主席,并且是尼日利亚最高法院的退休法官。 President Bola Tinubu has condoled the Ayoola family on the passing of retired Supreme Court Justice and former ICPC Chairman, Emmanuel Olayinka Ayoola, who served as the second ICPC chairman and was a retired justice of the Supreme Court of Nigeria. 总统赞扬Ayoola为国家服务、正直和勇气,为司法利益采取行动。 The President praised Ayoola's dedication to the nation's service, integrity, and courage in acting in the interest of justice. Tinubu在致悼词时, 也与死者的同伙及尼日利亚司法界成员表示同情。 In his condolence message, Tinubu also commiserated with the deceased's associates and members of the Nigerian judicial society. Ayoola作为律师和司法官员,包括担任冈比亚上诉法院法官、冈比亚首席大法官、塞舌尔上诉法院院长和尼日利亚上诉法院法官,有着卓越的职业生涯。 Ayoola had an illustrious career as a lawyer and judicial officer, including serving as Justice of the Court of Appeal of The Gambia, Chief Justice of The Gambia, President of the Court of Appeals of Seychelles, and Justice of the Court of Appeal of Nigeria.