宾夕法尼亚州州长乔什·沙皮罗在民主党全国委员会上赞同民主党作为"真正自由的政党". Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro endorsed the Democratic Party as the "party of real freedom" at the DNC.
宾夕法尼亚州州长乔什·夏皮罗(Josh Shapiro)在民主党全国代表大会(DNC)上支持民主党是“真正自由的政党”,他敦促选民保护自己的权利并捍卫民主。 Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro endorsed the Democratic Party as the "party of real freedom" at the Democratic National Convention (DNC), where he urged voters to protect their rights and defend democracy. Shapiro的演讲强调了捍卫民主价值观和捍卫个人自由的重要性,将民主党定位为促进自由和民主的政党。 Shapiro's speech emphasized the importance of upholding democratic values and championing individual liberties, positioning the Democrats as the party that promotes freedom and democracy. 这是在共和党注重免于税收和枪支管制的自由以及民主党重新定位的目的是呼吁更广泛的受众,包括独立人士,并反对共和党声称自己是自由党之后发生的。 This comes after the Republican Party's focus on freedom from taxes and gun control, and the Democratic Party's repositioning aims to appeal to a broader audience, including independents, and counter the Republican party's claims to be the party of freedom.