Peloton为废旧硬件采购收取95美元的一次性启动费。 Peloton introduces a $95 one-time activation fee for used hardware purchases.
Peloton为在二级市场上购买硬件的新订户引入95美元的一次性启动费。 Peloton introduces a $95 one-time activation fee for new subscribers who purchase used hardware on the secondary market. 收费的目的是增加收入,维持用户的高质量服务,确保新成员获得与购买新设备者相同的入职经验。 The fee aims to generate incremental revenue, maintain high-quality service for users, and ensure new members receive the same onboarding experience as those who buy new equipment. 此举可能会提高二手Peloton机器的价格,影响购买旧设备的吸引力。 This move may increase the price of secondhand Peloton machines and affect the appeal of purchasing used equipment.