Nigeriando Oando PLC以78 300万美元的价格收购了Eni的尼日利亚Agip石油公司,扩大了它的上游业务和储备。 Nigerian Oando PLC acquired Eni's Nigerian Agip Oil Company for $783m, expanding its upstream operations and reserves.
尼日利亚能源公司Oando PLC完成了对意大利能源公司Eni的尼日利亚Agip石油公司(NAOC)的783万美元收购,以扩大其上游业务,加强其在尼日利亚石油和天然气部门的存在。 Nigerian energy company Oando PLC has completed a $783m acquisition of Italian energy firm Eni's Nigerian Agip Oil Company (NAOC) to expand its upstream operations and strengthen its presence in the Nigerian oil and gas sector. 这笔交易将使Oando在OMLs 60、61、62和63中的参与利益从20%增加到40%,从而使其总储备达到10亿桶石油当量桶。 The deal will increase Oando's participating interests in OMLs 60, 61, 62, and 63 from 20% to 40%, bringing its total reserves to 1.0 billion barrels of oil equivalent (boe).