微软为运动能力有限的玩家推出了价值29.99美元的Xbox适应式操纵杆. Microsoft introduces $29.99 Xbox Adaptive Joystick for gamers with limited mobility.
微软为运动能力有限的玩家推出了Xbox适应式操纵杆. Microsoft unveils Xbox Adaptive Joystick for gamers with limited mobility. 这个新装置的价格是29.99美元, 是一个可定制的单手控制器, 与Xbox适应控制器和其他Xbox控制器合作。 The new device, priced at $29.99, is a customizable, single-handed controller that works with the Xbox Adaptive Controller and other Xbox controllers. 它可以直接连接到PC或Xbox,并具有可打印的3D指头,可调整尺寸,高度和宽度. It can connect directly to a PC or Xbox and features printable 3D thumbstick toppers to adjust size, height, and width. Xbox适应控制器也支持新的操纵杆,其价格为29.99美元,明年年初将在微软商店上提供。 The Xbox Adaptive Controller, which also supports the new joystick, is priced at $29.99 and will be available on the Microsoft Store early next year.