查谟和克什米尔选举部门设立了24/7的选举监测中心,重点是社交媒体和中央选举委员会的违规行为。 Jammu and Kashmir's electoral department sets up 24/7 monitoring centers for elections, focusing on social media and MCC violations.
查谟和克什米尔选举部门在其斯利那加和查谟办事处建立了 24/7 指挥控制中心,配备了先进的基础设施,以监控社交媒体和媒体门户网站在即将到来的议会选举期间是否违反 MCC。 Jammu and Kashmir's electoral department establishes 24/7 command-control centers at its Srinagar and Jammu offices, equipped with advanced infrastructure to monitor social media and media portals for MCC violations during the upcoming Assembly elections. 这些中心旨在确保选举进程的完整性,对社交媒体保持严格的警戒,防止错误信息的扩散。 These centers aim to ensure the integrity of the electoral process, maintain strict vigil on social media, and prevent the spread of misinformation.