囚犯作证说,他们被执法部门下令杀害达沃监狱的中国毒品罪犯,据称是前总统杜特的命令。 Inmates testified they were ordered by law enforcement to kill Chinese drug convicts in Davao Prison, allegedly on orders from former President Duterte.
囚犯Fernando Magdadaro和Leopoldo Tan Jr.在菲律宾众议院小组作证说,他们于2016年被执法人员下令杀害达沃监狱和刑事农场的三名中国毒品罪犯。 Inmates Fernando Magdadaro and Leopoldo Tan Jr., testified before a House panel in the Philippines, stating that they were ordered by law enforcement officers in 2016 to kill three Chinese drug convicts in Davao Prison and Penal Farm. 囚犯们声称,他们得到金钱和自由的允诺,以换取杀害,据称是前总统罗德里戈·杜特下令杀人的。 The inmates claimed they were promised money and freedom in exchange for the killings, which allegedly took place on orders from former President Rodrigo Duterte. 众议院小组邀请了杜特和苏普特 The House panel has invited Duterte and Supt. 当时负责刑事农场的Gerardo Padilla在小组作证。 Gerardo Padilla, who was in charge of the penal farm at the time, to testify before the panel. 杜特尔特的发言人萨尔瓦多·帕内罗 (Salvador Panelo) 将这些说法驳斥为旨在诋毁前总统的“拆除工作”。 Duterte's spokesman, Salvador Panelo, dismissed the claims as a "demolition job" aimed at discrediting the former president.