财政部长Nicola Willis和新西兰市长对网上性别虐待表示关切,强调这对妇女参与公共角色和暴力正常化的影响。 Finance Minister Nicola Willis and NZ mayors raise concerns about gendered online abuse, emphasizing its impact on women's public role participation and violence normalization.
财政部长尼古拉·威利斯与几个新西兰市长一起,对网上性别虐待表示关切,强调这种虐待对妇女参与公共角色的风险,并促进暴力侵害妇女行为的正常化。 Finance Minister Nicola Willis, along with several NZ mayors, have raised concerns about gendered online abuse, highlighting its risk to women's participation in public roles and contributing to the normalisation of violence against women. Willis强调, 必须让网上虐待为社会所不容, Willis emphasizes the need to make online abuse socially unacceptable, urging people to report abusive posts on social media. NetSafe正与妇女事务部合作,为支持妇女担任领导职务的工作场所(包括地方议会候选人)开发一个工具包。 Netsafe is working with the Ministry for Women on a toolkit for workplaces supporting women in leadership roles, including for local council candidates.