德意志银行解决了60%的后银行诉讼,影响到Q3的利润430万欧元。 Deutsche Bank settles 60% of Postbank lawsuit, affecting Q3 profit by 430M euros.
德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)已与60%的原告达成和解,该诉讼涉及收购Postbank期间支付过低的费用。 Deutsche Bank has reached settlements with 60% of plaintiffs in a lawsuit over underpaying during its acquisition of Postbank. 这些协议将花费4月份用于诉讼的13亿欧元的约45%,预计会对银行的Q3利润产生4.3亿欧元的积极影响。 These agreements will cost about 45% of the 1.3 billion euros set aside for litigation in April and are expected to positively impact the bank's Q3 profit by 430 million euros. 这解决了多年的诉讼问题,并帮助德意志银行克服给其业务蒙上阴影的问题。 This resolves years of litigation and helps Deutsche Bank move past the issue that has cast a shadow on its operations.