60岁的妇女在威克洛因骚扰Taoiseach Simon Harris而被捕;第三次被捕与事件有关。 60-year-old woman arrested for harassment of Taoiseach Simon Harris in Wicklow; third arrest related to incident.
60岁的妇女在爱尔兰Co Wicklow的家中因据称骚扰Taoiseach Simon Harris而被捕;这是与该事件有关的第三次逮捕。 60-year-old woman arrested for alleged harassment of Taoiseach Simon Harris at his home in Co Wicklow, Ireland; this is the third arrest in connection with the incident. 该妇女被拘押在警察局,可接受长达24小时的讯问。 The woman is being held at a Garda station and can be questioned for up to 24 hours. 在逮捕之前,抗议者于5月2日聚集在Taoiseach的房子外,打着横幅,调查适用了《非致命性侵害人身罪法》。 The arrest follows protesters gathering outside the Taoiseach's house with banners on May 2nd, with the investigation applying the Non-Fatal Offences against the Person Act.