17岁的蒙特哥湾学生被控强奸、严重性攻击和纵火威胁。 17-year-old Montego Bay student charged with rape, grievous sexual assault, and arson threats.
圣詹姆斯蒙特哥湾的17岁学生被控强奸和严重性攻击,罪名是8月5日闯入一名妇女家,殴打她,并威胁说,如果她报告这一事件,将烧毁她的房子。 17-year-old student in Montego Bay, St James, charged with rape and grievous sexual assault for breaking into a woman's home on August 5, assaulting her, and threatening to burn her house down if she reported the incident. 第二天,他试图再次殴打她,但一名路人进行干预。 On the following day, he tried to assault her again, but a passer-by intervened. 这名青少年在调查后被捕并受到指控。 The teenager was arrested and charged after investigations.