33岁的男子因据称在德鲁特山火车站附近的刀口强奸一名14岁以下儿童而被捕。 33-year-old man arrested for allegedly raping a child under 14 at knifepoint near Mount Druitt train station.
33岁的男子因据称在悉尼德鲁特山火车站附近的刀口强奸一名14岁以下儿童而被捕。 33-year-old man arrested for allegedly raping a child under 14 at knifepoint near Mount Druitt train station in Sydney. 嫌犯驾驶一辆白色面包车,从火车站绑架年轻受害者,把他们带到公园,用刀子威胁他们,并对他们进行性攻击。 The suspect, driving a white van, abducted the young victim from the train station and took them to a park, threatening them with a knife and sexually assaulting them. 嫌疑人已经受到指控,并将出庭,而警方则敦促公众保持警惕,报告任何可疑行为。 The suspect has been charged and will appear in court, while the police urge the public to be vigilant and report any suspicious behavior.