来自孟菲斯的 21 岁的安东尼奥·阿尔斯顿 (Antonio Alston Jr.) 在密西西比州德索托县被判犯有儿童色情罪。 21-year-old Antonio Alston Jr. from Memphis convicted of child pornography charges in DeSoto County, MS.
来自孟菲斯的 21 岁的小安东尼奥·阿尔斯通 (Antonio Alston Jr.) 在密西西比州德索托县被判犯有儿童色情罪。 赫尔南多警方于 2023 年收到 NCMEC 的网络举报,发现 67 条与阿尔斯通有关的举报。 21-year-old Antonio Alston Jr. from Memphis was convicted of child pornography charges in DeSoto County, MS. Hernando Police received a cyber tip from NCMEC in 2023, leading to the discovery of 67 tips connected to Alston. 他被发现时有四份文件,其中载有7岁幼童的清晰图像,他们利用CashApp在Reddit上出售。 He was found with four files containing explicit images of children as young as 7 years old, sold on Reddit using CashApp. 尽管孟菲斯警方事先进行了调查,但奥尔斯顿没有被起诉或逮捕。 Despite prior investigation by Memphis Police, Alston was not prosecuted or arrested. 定于8月20日作出判决。 Sentencing scheduled for August 20.