WNBA的参与者在下一份集体谈判协议中寻求更多的奥林匹克后休息时间。 WNBA players seek more post-Olympic time off in next collective bargaining agreement.
WNBA球员在下一份集体谈判协议中, 要求奥运结束后有更多休息时间, WNBA players are requesting more time off after the Olympics in the next collective bargaining agreement, following the quick turnaround after the Paris Games. 玩家认为,这一额外休息将使他们能够从奥林匹克和全明星游戏的激烈竞争和旅行中恢复过来。 Players believe that this additional break would allow them to recover from the intense competition and travel involved in the Olympics and All-Star Game. 目前的联盟和参与者可以选择在本季结束时退出《集体谈判协议》,这可能为纳入这一要求的改变提供了机会。 The current league and players can opt out of the Collective Bargaining Agreement at the end of this season, which may provide an opportunity to include this requested change.