视觉海洋公司于8月22日进行1-15反向股票分割,以满足纳斯达克1美元/股的要求. Vision Marine performs a 1-15 reverse stock split on Aug 22 to meet Nasdaq's $1/share requirement.
视觉海洋技术 (NASDAQ:VMAR) 计划在8月22日进行1-15反向股票分割, 以提高每股市场价格, 旨在恢复符合纳斯达克每股1.00美元的投标价格要求. Vision Marine Technologies (NASDAQ: VMAR) plans a 1-15 reverse stock split on August 22nd to increase its per-share market price, aiming to regain compliance with Nasdaq's $1.00 bid price per share requirement. 公司股价下跌0.10美元,达到0.35美元, 报告第二季度的利负值. The company's shares have traded down $0.10, reaching $0.35, and reported negative earnings for Q2. 在Nasdaq发出工作人员确定信后,反向分裂表明该公司在8月14日的最后期限前没有恢复履约。 The reverse split follows a staff determination letter from Nasdaq, indicating the company hadn't regained compliance by the deadline of August 14th.