瑞士技术公司u-blox和Nordian在巴西扩大了PointPerfect GNSS校正服务,为精密农业和自主移动机器人提供L波段卫星。 Swiss tech firms u-blox and Nordian expanded PointPerfect GNSS correction service in Brazil, enabling L-band satellite delivery for precision agriculture and autonomous mobile robotics.
瑞士技术公司u-blox和Nordian通过提供L波段卫星,扩大了其在巴西的GointPerfect GNSS校正服务。 Swiss tech firm u-blox and Nordian have expanded their PointPerfect GNSS correction service in Brazil by enabling L-band satellite delivery. 这使巴西的用户能够在没有蜂窝覆盖的区域获得服务,为精密农业和自主移动机器人提供可靠和成本效益高的全球导航卫星系统校正数据流访问途径。 This allows users in Brazil to access the service in regions without cellular coverage, providing reliable and cost-effective access to GNSS correction data streams for precision agriculture and autonomous mobile robotics. 点效果服务提供厘米级定位准确度和灵活的使用定价计划。 The PointPerfect service offers centimeter-level positioning accuracy and flexible usage-based pricing plans.