罗马尼亚警方在人口贩运调查中搜查Andrew Tate的住所。 Romanian police raid Andrew Tate's residence amid human trafficking investigation.
罗马尼亚警方正在对互联网名人Andrew Tate的住所进行搜查,此人正在因贩运人口而受到调查。 Romanian police are conducting a raid on the residence of internet personality Andrew Tate, who is under investigation for human trafficking. 突袭是正在进行的调查的一部分,Tate否认有任何不当行为。 The raid is part of an ongoing investigation and Tate has denied any wrongdoing. 故事仍在发展之中,随着消息的提供,将分享更多的信息。 The story is still developing, and more information will be shared as it becomes available.