里维安制造厂长Tim Fallon在设施扩建期间离开,前往Stellantis。 Rivian manufacturing head Tim Fallon leaves for Stellantis during facility expansion.
Rivian的制造业负责人Tim Fallon将电动汽车的启动权留给Stellantis、吉普SUV和Ram皮卡的制造商Stellantis, 因为他们计划在2030年前在美国放行25辆电动汽车。 Rivian's head of manufacturing, Tim Fallon, leaves electric vehicle startup to join Stellantis, makers of Jeep SUVs and Ram pickups, amid their plans to release 25 electric vehicles in the US by 2030. Fallon的离职正值Rivian的关键时刻,因为它扩建了其在伊利诺伊州Normal的唯一工厂,以生产更便宜的R2 SUV。 Fallon's departure comes at a critical time for Rivian, as it expands its only facility in Normal, Illinois to produce a less expensive R2 SUV. 里维昂的首席执行官任命Carlo Materazzo为临时生产负责人。 Rivian's CEO appoints Carlo Materazzo as interim head of production.