麦迪逊市议会批准2 200美元财产税公投,以解决预算缺口并维持基本服务。 Madison City Council approves $22M property tax referendum to address budget gap and maintain essential services.
麦迪逊市议会为11月的投票批准了2 200万美元的财产税公投,以弥补该市的预算缺口,避免重大服务削减,并维持基本服务。 Madison City Council approved a $22 million property tax referendum for November ballot to close the city's budget gap, avoid major service cuts, and maintain essential services. 如果全民投票通过,平均税单将增加230美元。 If passed, the referendum would increase the average tax bill by $230. 由于担心选民对抗错误信息, 另一个价值2900万美元的公投提案被拒绝. An alternative $29 million referendum proposal was rejected due to concerns over countering misinformation among constituents. 如果不采取替代措施,城市将面临潜在的服务削减。 The city faces potential service cuts if alternative measures are not taken.