i BanFirst任命Alin Latu为匈牙利国家经理,扩大在欧洲的存在。 iBanFirst appoints Alin Latu as Hungary Country Manager, expanding its presence in Europe.
法国Fintech iBanFirst为企业提供外汇和国际支付服务,已任命Alin Latu为匈牙利国家经理。 French fintech iBanFirst, which offers foreign exchange and international payment services for businesses, has appointed Alin Latu as Country Manager for Hungary. Latu此前曾在罗马尼亚担任过同样的职务,此举是在iBanFirst去年在匈牙利开展业务之后进行的。 Latu previously held the same role in Romania, and the move comes after iBanFirst launched operations in Hungary last year. 这一任命突出了该公司在该区域的增长,作为其扩大在欧洲存在战略的一部分。 This appointment highlights the company's growth in the region as part of its strategy to expand its presence in Europe.