前马里昂警察局长Gideon Cody因在2023年突袭案件中指示妇女删除文本而被控妨害司法;如果被定罪,可能面临23个月的监禁。 Former Marion police chief Gideon Cody charged with obstruction of justice for instructing a woman to delete texts in 2023 raid case; could face 23 months in prison if convicted.
堪萨斯州前马里恩警察局局长吉迪恩·科迪 (Gideon Cody) 因指示一名女子删除可能揭示他 2023 年警方突袭马里恩县记录办公室和一名市议员家的动机而面临妨碍司法公正的指控。 Former Marion, Kansas police chief, Gideon Cody, faces charges of obstruction of justice for instructing a woman to delete text messages that could reveal his motives behind a 2023 police raid on the Marion County Record office and a city councilwoman's home. 据称,Cody指控报纸盗用身份资料,但特别检察官没有发现任何证据。 Cody allegedly accused the newspaper of identity theft, but special prosecutors found no evidence of this. Cody如果被定罪,现在将面临长达23个月的监禁。 Cody now faces up to 23 months in prison if convicted.