37岁的歌手Kesha在Instagram上张贴裸体照片, 37-year-old singer Kesha posted nude photos on Instagram, citing boredom with clothing.
37岁的歌手Kesha在Instagram上分享裸体照片, 37-year-old singer Kesha shared nude photos on Instagram, explaining she was "bored of wearing clothes". 照片中Kesha在家中,被包裹在床单中,吃饭时没有穿衣服, 得到了粉丝的积极反应, 他们赞扬她的自信和"闪亮"的外表. The photos, which include Kesha lounging around her house, wrapped in a sheet, and eating a meal without clothes, received positive reactions from fans, who praised her confidence and "glowing" appearance. Kesha积极制作新音乐, 在节日表演, 更新歌词, 让歌迷保持参与。 Kesha has been actively working on new music, performing at festivals, and updating her lyrics, keeping fans engaged.