总理和武装部队向拉希德·米哈尼亚斯飞行员致敬,纪念其献祭53周年。 53rd anniversary of Pilot Officer Rashid Minhas's sacrifice honoured, Prime Minister and Armed Forces pay tribute.
巴基斯坦纪念飞行员Nishan-e-Haider(Nishan-e-Haider)在1971年为挫败敌人计划而牺牲的飞行员Rashid Minhas Shaheed(Rashid Minhas Shaheed)第53次殉难周年纪念日。 Pakistan marks the 53rd martyrdom anniversary of Pilot Officer Rashid Minhas Shaheed, Nishan-e-Haider, honoring his ultimate sacrifice to thwart enemy's plans in 1971. 谢巴兹·谢里夫总理和武装部队向米哈尼亚斯致敬,他的勇敢和保卫巴基斯坦的承诺为子孙后代树立了榜样。 Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif and the Armed Forces paid tribute to Minhas, whose bravery and commitment to the defense of Pakistan serve as an example for future generations. 我国向烈士和武装部队为保卫国家所作的不懈努力表示永久感谢。 The nation expresses eternal gratitude to its martyrs and armed forces for their tireless efforts in safeguarding the country.