Greenbrier Hotel面临法律诉讼,可能拍卖欠雇员健康保险1.2M美元。 Greenbrier Hotel faces legal action and potential auction over $1.2M owed employee health insurance.
西弗吉尼亚州州长Jim Justice的家人拥有的格林布里尔酒店,由于拖欠雇员健康保险1.2M美元,面临潜在的法律后果。 Greenbrier Hotel, owned by West Virginia Governor Jim Justice's family, faces potential legal consequences due to $1.2M owed for employee health insurance. 这家历史悠久的酒店拖欠了2.4M美元对合并国家健康基金的捐款四个月,如果不支付拖欠的资金,它将面临8月27日的拍卖。 The historic hotel is four months behind on $2.4M contributions to the Amalgamated National Health Fund and faces auction on Aug 27 if delinquent funds aren't paid. 如果不支付健康保险金,600名雇员的保险可以中止。 If health insurance payments aren't made, coverage for 600 employees may be suspended.