拉斯维加斯215环路3只德国牧羊犬, 现在在动物基金会的照顾下. 3 German Shepherds rescued from Las Vegas 215 Beltway, now in Animal Foundation's care.
内华达州警察局在善家的帮助下,从拉斯维加斯215带道救出了3名德国牧羊人。 3 German Shepherds were rescued from the 215 Beltway in Las Vegas by Nevada State Police with assistance from good Samaritans. 这些小狗是在Jones Boulevard附近的北带道上发现的,现在由动物基金会照管,他们将在那里关押,希望使他们与原主人团聚。 The pups were found on the northern beltway near Jones Boulevard and are now in the care of the Animal Foundation, where they will be held in hopes of reuniting them with their original owners. 狗最后在高速公路上的情况仍然不明朗。 The circumstances of how the dogs ended up on the freeway remain unclear.