21岁的南澳大利亚男子被控两次超速超速,驾驶110公里/小时超限,吊销执照,汽车失踪。 21-year-old South Australian man charged with excessive speeding twice, driving 110km/h over limit, suspended license, car missing.
21 岁的南澳大利亚男子被指控犯有超速罪,涉嫌两次以超过限速 110 公里/小时的速度驾驶他的 Holden Commodore。 21-year-old South Australian man charged with excessive speeding for allegedly driving his Holden Commodore at over 110km/h above the speed limit twice. 在前Holden Elizabeth工厂附近被抓获后,他面临多项指控,包括两起超速行驶和停机驾驶。 Caught near the former Holden Elizabeth Plant, he faces multiple charges, including two counts of extreme speed and driving while suspended. 汽车仍然失踪;如果被发现,警察将扣押汽车,并有权粉碎汽车。 The car remains missing; if found, police will impound and have the power to crush it.