60-70岁的男子在奥克兰Pakuranga被致命枪杀;警方正在进行调查。 60-70 year-old man fatally shot in Pakuranga, Auckland; police investigation underway.
60-70岁的男子在奥克兰Pakuranga被致命枪击身亡。 60-70 year-old man fatally shot in Pakuranga, Auckland. 警方和救护车部门对Pixie Pl和Marvon Downs Ave交叉路口的事件作出反应。 Police and ambulance services responded to the incident at the intersection of Pixie Pl and Marvon Downs Ave. 受害者被发现在汽车中死亡,武装警察在该地区巡逻。 The victim was found dead in his vehicle, and armed police have been patrolling the area. 社区受到震惊,预计警察人数会增加,而当局则努力查明事件情况并查明责任人。 The community is shocked, and an increased police presence is expected while the authorities work to uncover the circumstances of the incident and identify those responsible.