悉尼机场的Gen 3 SmartGate技术因处理缓慢和排队长而面临批评, Sydney Airport's Gen 3 SmartGate technology faces criticism for slow processing and long queues, causing traveler dissatisfaction.
悉尼机场新一代的第三代智能格特技术因处理缓慢和排队长而遭到批评,造成旅行者不满。 Sydney Airport's new Generation 3 SmartGate technology has faced criticism for slow processing and long queues, causing dissatisfaction among travellers. 在执行前,这一过程更快,只需要插入护照、回答问题和使用面部识别扫描仪。 Before its implementation, the process was quicker, requiring only passport insertion, answering questions, and using a facial recognition scanner. 新系统导致等待时间延长,乘客面临挑战。 The new system has resulted in longer waiting times and challenges for passengers.