巴基斯坦警方将Nimra Khan指称的绑架未遂行为重新定性为骚扰和逮捕相关案件的嫌疑人。 Pakistan police reclassify Nimra Khan's alleged abduction attempt as harassment and arrest suspects in related cases.
巴基斯坦警方将女演员Nimra Khan指称的绑架未遂行为重新定性为骚扰, Pakistan police reclassify actress Nimra Khan's alleged abduction attempt as harassment, explaining the incident involved a single individual and not multiple people. 卡拉奇报告了两起类似的案件,其中嫌疑人均被逮捕。 Two similar cases were reported in Karachi, with suspects arrested in both. Nimra Khan对警察在调查方面取得的进展表示满意。 Nimra Khan expressed satisfaction with the police's progress in the investigation. SDPO确认所有嫌疑人都被捕了 The SDPO confirmed all suspects have been arrested.