P牌司机在澳大利亚未经许可或注册的情况下被发现使用手机作为车速表。 P-plate driver caught using phone as speedometer without license or registration in Australia.
在澳大利亚,一名没有有效执照或登记证的P牌驾驶员在没有执照或登记的情况下被用手机作为速度计抓获。 P-plater without license or registration caught using phone as speedometer: A P-plate driver without a valid license or registration was caught using their phone as a speedometer in Australia. 据称司机利用该装置监测其速度,无视交通法。 The driver was allegedly using the device to monitor their speed, ignoring traffic laws. 当局敦促驾车者谨慎行事,遵守车速限制,以确保公路安全。 Authorities urge motorists to be cautious and obey speed limits to ensure safety on the roads.