穆鲁加帕集团报告说,24财政年度税后净利润增加了15.2%,达到7 885克鲁塞罗。 Murugappa Group reported a 15.2% increase in net profit after tax for FY24, reaching ₹7,885 crore.
穆鲁加帕集团报告说,24财政年度税后净利润增加了15.2%,达到7 885克鲁塞罗。 Murugappa Group reported a 15.2% increase in net profit after tax for FY24, reaching ₹7,885 crore. 集团营业额增加了4.9%,达到77 881格罗雷。 Group turnover increased by 4.9% to ₹77,881 crore. EBITDA增长10.8%,达到11 554克郎。 EBITDA grew by 10.8% to ₹11,554 crore. 制造业实体的ROCE比率下降到21.3%,而金融服务业务的ROE比率略有改善,达到19.2%。 Manufacturing entities' ROCE declined to 21.3%, while the financial services business' ROE improved marginally to 19.2%. 该集团的市场上限达到344 626格朗,资本支出增加到3 129格朗。 The group's market cap reached ₹3,44,626 crore, and capital expenditure increased to ₹3,129 crore.