霍舍姆的 Little Monkeys 日间托儿所和米尔顿凯恩斯的 Head Start 日间托儿所因环境教育和可持续性而获得生态学校绿旗奖。 Little Monkeys Day Nursery in Horsham and Head Start Day Nursery in Milton Keynes receive Eco-Schools Green Flag awards for environmental education and sustainability.
霍舍姆的Little Monkeys日间托儿所和米尔顿凯恩斯的Head Start日间托儿所都获得了生态学校绿旗奖,以表彰他们对环境教育和可持续发展的承诺。 Little Monkeys Day Nursery in Horsham and Head Start Day Nursery in Milton Keynes have both received the Eco-Schools Green Flag award, recognizing their commitment to environmental education and sustainability. 托儿所执行了生态学校方案的七步计划,让儿童参与生态友好做法,并将环境专题纳入其课程。 The nurseries implemented the Eco-Schools program's seven-step plan to engage children in eco-friendly practices and incorporate environmental topics into their curriculum. 这些奖项突出展示了托儿所队和儿童在对当地社区产生积极影响和解决环境问题方面的奉献精神。 The awards highlight the dedication of the nursery teams and children in making a positive impact on their local communities and addressing environmental issues.