伊斯塔里数字公司与美国空军的X-Plane方案合作,利用分散的数据网格技术,创建世界上第一架经数字认证的飞机。 Istari Digital partners with US Air Force's X-Plane program to create the world's first digitally-certified aircraft using decentralized data meshing technology.
伊斯塔里数字正在与美国空军的X-Plane项目合作,旨在创建世界上第一架数字认证的飞机. Istari Digital is working with the US Air Force's X-Plane program on Flyer Øne, aiming to create the world's first digitally-certified aircraft. 该项目修改了洛克希德马丁斯坎克工厂的X-56A,使用分散的数据网格技术在物理构建飞机之前创建一个数字双胞胎. The project modifies Lockheed Martin Skunk Works' X-56A, using decentralized data meshing technology to create a digital twin before physically building the aircraft. 如果取得成功,它可以反映软件工程的快速发展,减少与世界有形创新相关的时间、成本和环境影响,从而使未来的飞机开发发生革命性变化。 If successful, it could revolutionize future aircraft development by mirroring the rapid pace of software engineering, reducing time, cost, and environmental impact associated with physical world innovation.