Innovenx引入 IntelliFend, 这是AWS市场的一个高精度机器人检测解决方案。 Innovenx introduces IntelliFend, a high-accuracy bot detection solution on AWS Marketplace.
Innovenx引进了IntelliFend,这是AWS市场的一个机器人管理解决方案,在检测机器人时非常精确。 Innovenx has introduced IntelliFend, a bot management solution on AWS Marketplace with exceptional accuracy in bot detection. 解决方案通过AccuBot探测引擎和访问者Tag跟踪技术,减少假阳性,提高用户经验,利用对客户和服务器端信号的多层次分析。 The solution reduces false positives and enhances user experience through its AccuBot Detection Engine and VisitorTag tracking technology, which leverage multi-layered analysis of client-side and server-side signals. IntelliFend 与AWS等公共云层平台融合,提供灵活的定价模式,并不断推进其检测算法,以赶超AI驱动的威胁。 IntelliFend integrates with public cloud platforms like AWS, offers flexible pricing models, and continuously advances its detection algorithms to stay ahead of AI-driven threats.