公平贸易委员会指控Asbury Automotive的David McDavid经销商通过付款包装歧视黑人和拉丁裔客户。 FTC accuses Asbury Automotive's David McDavid dealerships of discriminating against Black and Latino customers through payment-packing.
联邦贸易委员会指责Asbury Automotive及其在德克萨斯州北部的David McDavid经销商歧视黑人和拉丁裔客户,指控客户在不知情的情况下同意每月支付更高的费用,并在合同中添加其他项目。 The FTC accuses Asbury Automotive & its David McDavid dealerships in North Texas of discriminating against Black & Latino customers, alleging "payment packing" where customers agreed to pricier monthly payments without knowledge, with additional items added to their contracts. Asbury汽车公司否认的是,经销商向黑人客户收取的费用比白人客户多298美元,拉丁裔客户收取的费用比白人客户多214美元。 The dealerships charged Black customers $298 more and Latinos $214 more for same add-ons than white customers, which Asbury Automotive denies. 首席执行官David Hult计划挑战公平贸易委员会的诉讼。 CEO David Hult plans to challenge the FTC's lawsuit.