2032 布里斯班奥林匹克运动会计划,在2050年前举办“气候-积极”活动,节省碳和净零排放。 2032 Brisbane Olympic Games plan for a 'climate-positive' event with carbon savings and net-zero emissions by 2050.
Brisbane 2032奥林匹克运动会将成为首个“气候积极”活动, Brisbane 2032 Olympic Games to be first 'climate-positive' event, creating more carbon savings than negative impacts. 该市的计划包括区域包容性,利用现有运动员宿舍建筑,侧重于公共和主动交通,并与昆士兰到2050年的净零排放目标保持一致。 The city's plan includes regional inclusivity, using existing buildings for athlete accommodation, focusing on public and active transport, and aligning with Queensland's net-zero emissions target by 2050. 布里斯班的“遗产计划”,Elevate 2042,旨在通过遵守联合国可持续发展目标,为当地社区创造长期利益。 Brisbane's "legacy plan", Elevate 2042, aims to create long-term benefits for local communities by adhering to UN Sustainable Development Goals.