阿拉巴马州的Hale县学校因暴风雨破坏 推迟8月19日2小时开学 Alabama's Hale County Schools delayed opening by 2 hours on August 19 due to storm damage.
阿拉巴马州的海尔县学校在8月19日因风暴造成的损失而延迟了2小时, Hale County Schools in Alabama experienced a 2-hour delay on August 19th due to storm damage, including downed power lines and trees. 严酷的天气也影响到阿拉巴马州西部其他地区,由于气候恶劣,延误确保学生和工作人员的安全。 The delay ensured student and staff safety amidst the aftermath of the severe weather, which also affected other parts of west Alabama. 汽车预定比往常晚一些开,建议社区保持对天气的警觉。 Buses were scheduled to run later than usual, and the community was advised to stay weather-aware.