Jeff Van Drew(R-NJ)指控VP Kamala Harris比民主党在Newsmax的《星期六报告》上的议程更激进。 Rep. Jeff Van Drew (R-NJ) accused VP Kamala Harris of having a more radical agenda than the Democratic Party on Newsmax's "Saturday Report".
共和党众议员杰夫·范·德鲁 (Jeff Van Drew) 指责副总统卡玛拉·哈里斯的议程比民主党提出的更为激进, 声称主流媒体没有让哈里斯承担责任. Rep. Jeff Van Drew (R-NJ) accused VP Kamala Harris of having a more radical agenda than the Democratic Party presents, claiming the mainstream media isn't holding Harris accountable. Van Drew认为这是民主党不惜任何代价赢得胜利的更广泛战略的一部分, Van Drew believes this is part of a broader strategy by Democrats to win at any cost, with the party being "smart" and "focused". 这是在2021年Newsmax的“星期六报告”上发表的。 This statement was made on Newsmax's "Saturday Report" in 2021.