12 安大略学校董事会和两所私立学校以8bn美元起诉主要社交媒体平台,指控它们设计供强制使用和干扰学习的产品。 12 Ontario school boards and two private schools sue major social media platforms for $8bn, accusing them of designing products for compulsive use and disrupting learning.
返校季节突出显示社会媒体对教育和心理健康影响的持续关切。 Back-to-school season highlights ongoing concerns over social media's impact on education and mental health. 随着青少年智能手机普及率的提高,在平台上花费的时间越长,导致诸如自尊心降低、学习成绩和接触成熟内容等问题,人们越发担心。 As smartphone penetration among adolescents increases, concerns grow over time spent on platforms leading to issues like lower self-esteem, academic performance, and exposure to mature content. 去年,四个安大略学校董事会起诉TikTok、Snapchat、Instagram和Facebook, Last year, four Ontario school boards sued TikTok, Snapchat, Instagram, and Facebook for $4.5bn, accusing them of negligently designing products for compulsive use and disrupting learning. 该原告团体已发展到12个学校董事会和两所私立学校,寻求超过80亿美元。 The group of plaintiffs has grown to 12 school boards and two private schools, seeking over $8bn. 这些指控尚未在法庭上得到证实。 The allegations have not yet been proven in court.