Calhoun县当局调查8月16日在斯普林菲尔德发生的破门而入和相关的车辆盗窃事件。 Calhoun County authorities investigate break-in and linked vehicle thefts in Springfield on August 16th.
Calhoun县当局在8月16日收到一份报告后,正在调查在斯普林菲尔德的一个住宅发生的闯入事件和潜在的相关车辆盗窃事件。 Calhoun County authorities are investigating a break-in at a residence and potential linked vehicle thefts in Springfield, after receiving a report on August 16th. Calhoun县治安官办公室认为犯罪发生在前一天晚上,许多居民报告说他们的车辆被闯入,物品被盗。 The Calhoun County Sheriff's Office believes the crimes occurred the night before, with multiple residents reporting their vehicles were broken into and items stolen. 三名嫌疑人仍然在逃,促请公众与Smith中校联系,提供任何信息。 Three suspects are still at large, and the public is urged to contact Lt. Smith with any information.