英国时尚品牌Ted Baker将关闭其余31家英国商店, British fashion brand Ted Baker to close remaining 31 UK stores, affecting 500 jobs.
Ted Baker,英国时尚品牌, 本周将关闭所有31家英国商店, Ted Baker, a British fashion brand, will close all 31 of its UK stores this week, affecting 500 jobs. 公司在3月份的英国零售业务处于行政管理状态,导致15家门店关闭,245个工作位被置. This follows the company's UK retail arm entering administration in March, resulting in 15 store closures and 245 job losses. 泰德·贝克的知识产权所有者Authentic Brands Group正在与英国和欧洲的潜在合作伙伴进行谈判, Authentic Brands Group, owner of Ted Baker's intellectual property, is in talks with potential UK and European operating partners, but discussions have stalled. 自2019年以来,Ted Baker 一直面临财政困难, 在创始人Ray Kelvin因不当行为丑闻离开后。 Ted Baker has faced financial difficulties since 2019 following founder Ray Kelvin's departure in a misconduct scandal.