Brant音乐艺术学院于秋天开学,接受综合音乐戏剧教育。 Brant Musical Arts Academy opens in fall for comprehensive musical theatre instruction.
新的音乐艺术学院Brant音乐艺术学院将于秋季在Brant开办,提供音乐剧所有方面的教学。 A new musical arts academy, Brant Musical Arts Academy, is set to open in Brant in the fall, offering instruction in all aspects of musical theatre. 在艺术领域拥有丰富经验的创始人认为,社区中需要这样一个机构,涵盖台上和台下的角色。 Founders, with extensive experience in the arts, believe there's a need for such an institution in the community, covering on and off-stage roles. 该方案旨在为那些对现场音乐剧感兴趣的人提供综合学习经验。 The program aims to provide a comprehensive learning experience for those interested in live musical theatre.